Friday, August 26, 2011

A Frustrated Mom In Target!!!!

Today, my hubby, stayed with the kids so I could have a few hours to myself. Of course, when I get a few hours, a TARGET trip is going to happen. I love to stroll through in the peace and quiet. I get to look at what I want and nobody is reminding me how much they need that certain toy or item. So, I took my time. There were a few things I needed for homeschooling so I ended up on the school isle. There was a mom there with her two older girls and I knew, they would be in school if they were in school. As I stood there looking for my items, I knew she was a bit frustrated. She complained to her girls about staying with her or they'd get it (which I have said). She proceeded to sigh and huff and just seemed overwhelmed.  I finally asked, " Do you homeschool?" She said' "Can't you tell." Oh my. She sounded like me a few months back when homeschooling seemed like the worst choice I had ever made. She continued to sigh and roll her eyes in drudgery and tiredness. As, I left Target, I thought about her and then thought about me. Last year was rough for our first year of homeschooling. It wasn't just the homeschooling itself but circumstances of life that left me feeling just like this lady. I know I sighed a lot and rolled my eyes any chance I got. It was not going according to plan and I knew, I HAD MADE THE WRONG CHOICE. Through much prayer and wonderful encouragement from two special lady's, I knew this was God's call on my life and that if I would just be obedient, I would see the fruit.

WELL, we already have 2 weeks behind us this school year and I must say, I MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE!!!!! With a change in curriculum and concentrating more on the gospel, WE ARE HAVING A BLAST. Katelyn is working great with our new routine and I am happier and less stressed. I am so excited because I see God moving immensely in our family just because of homeschooling. This morning, all four of us sat at our kitchen table and talked about the names of God before we started school. As Josh led us, I sat there thinking, we would never have this unrushed and special time if I wasn't homeschooling, I would not sit and just have coffee while my family ate and talked together, and I would not learn as much as I am learning alongside Katelyn. I know that this is the call God has on my life and I up for the challenge. I am so glad I followed His leading and am so glad my husband was there to support and teach with me. Thank you Lord for making me new and making me see the big picture.

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