Someone said something to me today that has hit home.
" You and Josh are 10 talent people, don't settle with doing 2 talent work".
WOW!!! First of all, what a compliment!! Second, how true is this? God has called us, gifted us, and sending us to do 10 talent work. Sometimes it is easier to settle for just 2 talent callings. They are usually comfortable, no risk's, tons of earthly security, and make the most sense to the people around us. Can you imagine what God would do if we gave it all up to do the 10 talent work of the Lord? Can you imagine to incredible things of Jesus we would witness? Can you imagine being right in the center of God's glory and miracle? I want so much to lose me if I get Him. I want to push aside comfort and stability if that is what He wants. I would never be happier then in His Will and man the awesome things I would see and be a part of.
So, I ask each of you. What is the calling God has on your life that is crazy and seems scary but is 10 talent work for Him? Are you settling in the comfort of religion and even church? Do you want to do the things God created you to do? Oh the glory that God is given when we get to this place of surrender and total depravity.
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