Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Is Joel Olsteen's preaching satanic???

I came across a message that John MacArthur preached about true religion. There are so many similarities between Satan's words to Jesus in the desert to many preachers today. John MacArthur just lays it out there about one pastor in particular. I had to share this with my friends because people are being led straight to hell with this prosperity and favor teaching. There is no preaching about the Savior and repentance. Here is a small portion of John MacArthur's sermon:

A few weeks ago there was an event here at Dodger Stadium with Joel Osteen, thirty-five thousand people at Dodger Stadium, something like that. He is now the largest, quote/unquote church...I’m using the word loosely...in America down in Houston. You need to understand that he is a pagan religionist in every sense. He’s a quasi-pantheist. Jesus is a footnote that satisfies his critics and deceives his followers. The idea of this whole thing is that men have the power in themselves to change their lives. In his definitive book, Your Best Life Now, he says...and that ought to be a dead giveaway since the only way this could be your best life is if you’re going to hell. He says that anyone can create by faith and words the dreams he desires...health, wealth, happiness, success...the list is always the same.
Here’s some quotes from his book Your Best Life Now. “If you develop an image of success, health, abundance, joy, peace, happiness, nothing on earth will be able to hold those things from you,” end quote. See, that’s....that’s the law of attraction that’s a part of this kind of system.
Here’s another quote, “All of us are born for earthly greatness. You were born to win.” Win what? “God wants you to live in abundance, you were born to be a champion. He wants to give you the desires of your heart.” “Before we were formed, He prepared us to live abundant lives, to be happy, healthy and whole. But when our thinking becomes contaminated, it’s no longer in line with God’s Word,” end quote. By the way, “God’s Word is not the Bible, God’s Word is that Word that comes to us mystically, spiritually, that tells us what we should want.”
Here’s another quote, “Get your thinking positive and He will bring your desires to pass. He regards you as a strong, courageous, successful person. You’re on your way to a new level of glory.” Hum...how do you get there? “Believe...he says...visualize, and speak out loud.” Same exact approach. Words release your power. Words give life to your dreams.
Here’s another quote. “Friend, there’s a miracle in your mouth.” I think Isaiah might object to that. He said, “I’m a man of unclean lips and I dwell amidst a people of unclean lips.”
Here’s Joel Osteen’s prayer. “I thank You, Father, that I have Your favor.” Wow! Did he meet the Pharisee in Luke 18, or what? “I thank You that I’m not like other people.”
Here’s another quote. “I know these principles are true because they work, for me and my wife.” Oh, so that’s the test of truth. Are you kidding? I know these things are true because they work for me and my wife? Sure, you’re at the top of the Ponzi scheme.
And then he said, “Even finding a perfect parking spot at the mall.” And I ask, “What about the little old lady you cut off to get into that parking? What about her dreams?” Maybe she was born to lose. I mean, it’s so silly, so bizarre.
He says, “God has already done everything He’s going to do, the ball’s in your court.” You have to take that part of God which exists in you and create your own reality.
What is the source of this? Where does this come from? Answer: Satan, this is satanic. This is satanic. This is not just off-centered, this is satanic.
Why do I say that? Because health, wealth, prosperity, the fulfillment of all your dreams and your desires, that’s what Satan always offers. That’s called temptation, based on the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. That’s exactly what corrupt fallen unregenerate people want. That’s why it works so well, right? You can go right into Satan’s system, make everybody feel religious and turn their desires, their temptations into somehow honorable desires. I mean, what did Satan say to Jesus? Grab some satisfaction, why are You hungry? You need to eat. You need to be healthy, whole. Why would You let Yourself be unpopular? Dive off the temple corner, whew, everybody will be wowed. You’ll be the winner, You’ll be the champion. You’ll be the Messiah. They’ll hail You. And by the way, if You just look over the kingdoms of the world, I’ll give those to You, too.
That’s satanic. So the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, 1 John 2:15 to 17, it’s all a part of the world and it’s all passing away. And why are these false teachers so successful at what they do? Because they’re in cahoots with the devil. Why is Satan successful? Because his temptations, although they might appear noble on the outside, are in perfect accord with all the fallen, corrupt, selfish, proud, evil desires of sinners. This is a false kind of Christianity and a false view of God. God is the one who reserves the right to make you well. “Have not I made the blind and the lame and the halt, He says? Or to allow you to be sick? God has the right to make you prosperous or to give you little. God reserves the right to control the circumstances and events and experiences of your life for His own ends and His own purpose.”
False religion is the most heinous of all sins because it’s a violation of the great commandment, “Love the Lord your God, the true one, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength,” and false religion that borrows His name but creates a false God and borrows the name of Christ but creates a false Christ is the worst kind of blasphemy.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Isn't that what we do? Compare ourselves to others. We see all the good things in someone's else's life and assume that we would be better if we had a life like theirs. A few months ago, I finally felt that I was comfortable in my own skin. I finally got to a point where I looked at other people's lives and realized I was called to the life I have by the Lord and for that reason alone I was blessed. Then, it seems to creep back in. Not all at one time but in small waves. I know we all think someone else has it better. I want to encourage all of you that comparing is discontentment. We also have no idea the things in other's lives that we think are so great. We do not know the past someone has had to go through to get where they are now. We don't know the daily struggles that person has that they can't seem to be set free from. We have no idea the issues that a person's deals with everyday whether physical, mental, or circumstantial. So, stop comparing. If you are walking with the Lord, He is all you need to compare your life to. Emulate Jesus and no one else. He is the picture we should constantly look at in comparison.
Sometimes we compare in other ways. We can compare in the other direction. We look at someone else and think we have it together better than them so we are living a more godly life. But what about when you compare your life to Jesus'? Now how godly do we look?? Isn't that what it's about though: LOOKING MORE LIKE JESUS!! I want to look and live like Him and no one else. That is much harder to do but oh so worth it.My life can be much sweeter with Him as my example.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Morning at an Abortion Clinic

This past Saturday, my husband and I stood with other Christian men and women in front of an abortion clinic in Charlotte. I have never been to one and this experience left me speechless and I haven't stopped thinking about it. Since I am at a loss for words I thought I'd share what my husband blogged about after we went:

“Real men lay down their lives for their babies.”  This was the most soul-stirring thing I heard said yesterday while we stood outside the abortion mill on Latrobe in Charlotte.  It was profound for two reasons.  First, because it was said by a ten year old holding a microphone talking to a guy in his thirties as he walked his wife/girlfriend into the abortion mill.  And two, because it’s true.
The church in America feels good about itself because when the preacher stands against abortion we say “amen.”  When we go the the ballot boxes we check the box next to the candidate who is pro-life.  So, we’ve done our part right?  Yesterday, I watched at least thirty girls walk into that clinic in the span of two and a half hours.  Thirty babies, believed to be just tissue, had their lives snuffed out. At the very least these precious babies received a death threat from a “counselor” who’s main motive is to generate income for the mill.  (NC law requires a “counseling” session and 24-wait before abortion)
If you were alive in Nazi Germany in the 40′s, what would you have done to save the lives of millions of Jews being slaughtered on a daily basis?  The church doesn’t need to get nuts and vicious with those who perpetrate this disgusting crime.  The church needs to be a visible light of hope to women who are deceived into thinking that an abortion will make life better and erase a “mistake” they made or remove an inconvenience in their life.  Yesterday, we offered these girls free medical care, free cribs and clothing, a free baby shower, and love but their minds had already been made up.  The good news is that this past week eight babies were saved at the Latrobe mill because some girls wanted to hear that there is another way.
I know not everyone is wired for this.  Not everyone can get on a mic and preach the gospel of hope and confront people with their sin in order to proclaim to them that there is a Savior.  But, why couldn’t you show up at a clinic one Saturday a month and stand and pray and be a visible reminder to these girls that this sin cannot done in secret and there is another way of hope.  You can hand out brochures with information.  Is it really enough to just say “amen” when your preacher says abortion is wrong?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

a Good Judge

We are still making our way through our God's Names book for our family Bible time. Today, we talked about God being the Judge. People all over the world say that God is loving and good. We tend to forget that He is also a Judge. He makes all the decisions and is in charge. God is a GOOD Judge. He judges on the heart. He doesn't judge whether you are smart, good-looking, wealthy, poor, male, or female. He judges your heart. I know that God is love but He is also just. He will bring justice in every situation and He determines what is justice. While we studied this today, we were also brought to the realization of heaven and hell. Because God is a good Judge, those places have to exist. There is no in between or a third choice. You go to heaven or hell when you die. If God is a good Judge and judges on a man's heart, then we all deserve hell. We were born in sin and imperfection. But then Jesus came and paid our ransom. God turned His back on His own Son so that we may live forever with Him in heaven. So many people want to say God is love but forget that He is also the Judge that decides which place we end up. He made a way but so many still make the decision to walk another way. Why?? The God of the universe made a way for us to be with Him forever and have a personal connection with Him in life. I don't get it sometimes. To me, there is no other decision to make or way to go. I am so thankful for Jesus taking my place on that cross. Every sin I have committed and will commit is forever forgiven. I will sin and I will fail, but I am made righteous in the eyes of my Judge. I am thankful for a good Judge. I am thankful for a Savior you paid my debt.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Yesterday morning, I went with my mom to a Holiday Grievance Seminar. It was a time to give us strategies, ideas, and encouragement on how to get through the holiday's without your loved one. We heard stories from others that about their specific loved ones and how special they were. I was so happy to be there with my mom. See, when my dad passed away in March, I had to keep going. I had two kids and had to keep homeschooling a trucking along to finish the school year. Because of that, I don't think I grieved the best way. I'd wait until night and just crash and cry. I would try and stay strong for mom and especially for my daughter Katelyn who has so many questions. I cried when she cried and held her when she needed holding. She did see my struggle, which I think is healthy for me and her. But, the bawling, anger, and frustration with it all came out when she wasn't looking. So, I didn't have all cry fests(which i probably should have) to heal and grieve. Going to this seminar helped me release a lot in a safe environment.

One of the breakout sessions was Writing. We had to write down words about things that were special to dad. We brought in pictures of him on all of his Harley's he had and built through his life. So some of my words described a motorcylce: heavy, loud, strong. And then describing my dad: Intelligent, teacher, carefree, loving,etc,. After we wrote those words we had to write a story with the words in it. It could be imaginary, real, not make sense, and so on. Well, I wrote a story and thought I'd share with all of you. It's short and is real but I have a different name and what I am going through is made to be another lesson. Enjoy!

        Nicole was taught to do many things by her father. She was taught how to fix things and work with her hands. But this new project and lesson was heavy. It was too much for her to handle and do. It made her sad and she wanted to shout very loud in frustration. She knew not to worry and to be carefree like her father. She wanted to be selfless and work on it alone so not to bother anyone else.
        Nicole knew she was taught by an intelligent teacher who had so much love for her. She didn't want to live with this hard project to do. She couldn't answer the questions or fix this one. Nicole had to do this new project without her father and loving teacher. She didn't know if she could do it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Samuel Lucas.....our youngest rockstar.

I have no idea how it happened, but our little Samuel loves to drum more than any of you can even fathom. Everywhere we go, he drums. Eating out, he drums. At church, makes his way to the drums on stage, and drums. At home, pulls out pots and pans at least 3 times a day, and he drums. In his high chair with his fork, he drums. Playing trains, he drums. Riding in the car, he drums ( or plays air guitar and sometimes calls it banjo, depending on the type of music). I am amazed that he just wants to do drums ALL THE TIME!!! He is only 2 and none of us drum. He must have seen it at some point and completely fell in love with it. To be honest, he's actually pretty good. He keeps a beat, bobs his head, and taps his foot. Sometimes he makes up a song while doing and sometimes he's completely quiet.

This past Saturday afternoon, we heard the pots and pans being taken out and placed ever so perfectly from biggest to smallest, just the way he likes them. We heard the junk drawer open and 2 pencils being taken out. We decided we would capture a little bit on video this time. I love it so much that I had to share. Check out my youngest rockstar, because big sister is also all about rocking it out!!!

fyi: he has one of my headbands on his forehead. I guess that was for dramatis effect....LOL!!!!

......and here he is.....cutest drummer I know!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Psalm 127

Some of you were very interested in the post I did about our church learning a different Psalm every month by learning it to music (by Jamie Soles). This month we are learning Psalm 127. I thought I'd post Psalm 127 for those of you want to learn while we do.

Psalm 127

A song of ascents. Of Solomon. 1 Unless the LORD builds the house,
   the builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
   the guards stand watch in vain.
2 In vain you rise early
   and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
   for he grants sleep to[a] those he loves.
 3 Children are a heritage from the LORD,
   offspring a reward from him.
4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
   are children born in one’s youth.
5 Blessed is the man
   whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
   when they contend with their opponents in court.

I can't wait to learn this scripture and the meaning in each verse as we go through it each Sunday. It seems it is going to touch parents hearts with so much emphasis on children. VERY EXCITING!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

It is not UNSEEN!!!

I have to admit(and my husband would agree) that I am capable of many pity parties in a week. Especially if its a week where I am not feeling well physically and can't get all the things done I want. I literally am moving all day long, mentally and physically(why am I not skinnier?) I wake up to a 2 year old screaming because that's how he tells us he's awake. From that moment on, it is one thing after another. Breakfast, Bible, Laundry, Math, Language, Changing diapers, Lunch, History, Science, Playing Trains, Singing ABC songs, Rocking to Sleep, Shower (maybe), Checking messages and e-mails, Picking up toys and whatever else gets thrown all over, and etc....etc....etc.... This week, I felt unappreciated. I saw all these things I do and know God has called me to do and I felt unseen. I wondered if anybody notices all that I do in a day. I wondered why I don't get sick days (although my husband stayed home to let me rest). I wondered if I didn't do any of it, would it get done. Lastly, I wondered if Josh and my children knew how much I do and sacrifice to make this house a home.

Finally, I came to a conclusion. I am never unseen by my Savior. He sees day and day out. He knows every struggle when teaching Math and every shirt I fold and refold. He sees when I am tired and when I  get frustrated at the dishwasher for not cleaning well. More than anything, He sees me!!! The good and the bad, the dirty and the clean, the wise and the unwise. He walks with me in it everyday. I am always seen and appreciated by Him and that is the only one I am working for. He is the audience and I am thankful for that. So while I had my pity party, I learned something about God. He gives me strength on those days and takes over when I can't handle any more. He also helps me to get up, suck it up, and work hard unto Him and not man. My husband and children do appreciate me but not more than Him!!!