Isn't it funny how much God knows us. He knows every aspect of who we are and what we think and do. I just got back from a homeschool/parenting conference and God knew everything I needed to hear in just 3 short days. My heart feels so full and I thought I would share with you some of the encouraging things God showed me while I was learning and soaking it all in. I began the weekend learning about Genesis and how we are losing our children when they graduate high school because we are not teaching them apologetics. We have to teach children apologetics way before college or they will have no idea what to believe. After learning some truths there, most of my time was spent learning from amazing men and women of God that have walked the road of homeschooling and the wisdom they had was more than I had anticipated. They shared their hearts and were real and honest about the mistakes they made. It was amazing to see these people who were so godly and put together open up and tell us some wrong steps they took and how God steered them back each time. I have so many notes I could write a post that would take you days to read but more than anything I learned one truth over and over:
"And these words which I command to you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up...You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates" ~Deuteronomy 6:6-7 and 9~
It seemed like every workshop I went in this scripture was quoted or used and it began to make sense. I have heard this scripture before. I even have a frame in my kitchen that has this scripture on the picture of a house. I look at it daily and know the primary responsibility of a parent is to teach our children diligently the truths of God. But, it is more. I teach my children all kinds of things during the day. I incorporate the Bible in math, science, history, language, etc. IT IS MORE!!!! I can use my words to teach my children all day long but it will never reach their hearts if I am not walking in the same truths they hear me teaching. When I am doing laundry, am I joyful or sighing in tiredness? When I am doing dishes for the 17th time of the day, am I thankful for kids to clean after or frustrated that I have to do them? When I have to tell Samuel to use his inside voice at least 50 times a day, am I happy that I have a little boy who loves to sing and is full of life or do I discourage his childish boyhood? These are the things this scripture is talking about. Teaching our children day in and day out in the everyday things that God lives in us and walks with us. Honestly, I have so much more to grow in this area and I love the way God knows me because He knew I needed to hear this. I usually walk away from these conferences thinking why in the world I ever did anything else but homeschool but this time, it went deeper. This time, it had to do with me and the changes I need to make. Thank God that He knows me and loves me so much that He wants me to be a godly wife and mommy!! Not just so I can be better but because I am called to train my children in the way of the Lord and they need to see Jesus living through me. And when they see Jesus living in me, they will see JESUS!!!!
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