Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What Season Are You In?

I saw this on one of the blogs I follow called steadymom.com. I thought it was great and would love to hear back from you. Read this and let's chat about what season you think you are in as a mom?? I think I am in the season of FALL, which could change on any given day. I feel like I am at a place of understanding who I am in Christ better than I eve have before. I also see myself letting things go that would have bothered me to no end years ago. I feel like God is stripping away many things about myself in order to let the new come in. I love the seasons and look forward to each new one that is on its way in. Enjoy!!!

Which season of motherhood are you in?

With spring's arrival, I've been contemplating the importance of the seasons in both nature as well as our lives as mothers.

So which season of motherhood do you think you're in?
Winter - Dark, hard to see growth, long nights
Spring - Growth beginning to bud and blossom, longer days, more light
Summer - Fullness of life in all its glory, Abundance and beauty
Fall - Maturity, learning to let go, the old dropping away to make way for the new

These seasons sometimes coincide with the ages of our children. But sometimes they fluctuate based on our own growth, needs (& sleep levels, perhaps?!): one day spring, one day winter.
I find myself in spring as a mother: seeing beauty and light in many areas of life, but also nurturing hopes for continued growth to blossom and burst forth--character growth in my kids, in myself, as well as professional growth, too.

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