This past week I have been out and seen so many women that look tired and worn. I don't mean just everyday tired, I mean the woman who has been battered by life. I can see it in how she carries herself or how she continues to make one bad life choice after another. Her body is worn and her hair is normally thrown up and or tossed all over. She has skin that looks ten years older than she really is and her eyes are black underneath and sunken in. Those are the outward things I see that do not make me judge but wonder if anyone ever told her that she could be so much more. I wonder if anyone ever told her about the Savior that wants to wrap her in His arms and show her the amazing love she has never felt. I wonder if anyone has ever taught her that she could have a life that is not free of pain but full of grace and peace. I wonder if anyone has told her that she was intimately and perfectly created in the womb to become everything God made her to be.
My heart aches for this woman because I know she has a void in her heart that can only be filled with the love of her Creator. She continues to fill it with addictions, men, bad friendships, and the world. Those things leave her EMPTY, TIRED, and even BATTERED. They continue to use her up and leave her without hope. So as I have seen this woman over and over and even women who I have known here is my letter to you:
Dear Battered Woman,
YOU ARE LOVED! There are so many things that you have turned to in life that you thought would make you feel loved and accepted. Satan has tricked you into thinking that this is it, this is the life you were dealt so why live any other way. You may have come from a home that was broken and you saw addiction, abuse, and constant hate and anger. You may have come from a great home and because of some bad decisions, you are too tired to make good ones. Everyone has made bad decisions but Jesus meets you in that moment and wants to restore and save you. He created you for so much more than you ever thought you could be. He is your Savior: not alcohol or drugs, not men, not self-help books or good deeds, not food, and not even your family. HE WANTS TO SAVE YOU FROM IT ALL. That's why He died, to save you from the evil one who seeks to kill and destroy you anyway he can (I Peter 5:8). I want you to know that there is so much more He has for you than settling into a life that leaves you battered and hurting. He created you for more than being some man's punching bag. He created you for more than an addiction. He created you for more than thinking you have to show your body in order to gain love or feel accepted. He created you for more than a life without HIM in it. You are so precious to Him and to me. I hurt for you and know that if someone just told you how an amazing Savior seeks to change you life, maybe you would have a different life now. Life with Christ is not free of pain and it is a life of sacrifice but it is lived with Him who knows how many hairs are on your head
(Matthew 10:30) and who prepares a place for you in heaven (I Cor 2:9). Precious woman, please know that you are more than you ever thought and you are loved more than you could ever imagine. Let your past be the past and move on to a life you had no idea could be for you. Jesus welcomes you, accepts you NOW, and will ROCK YOUR WORLD! Hand this life over to Him in exchange for a life that glorifies Him and a life full of love, grace, mercy and forgiveness!
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