Thursday, May 17, 2012


In the last year I have been blown away by people that are part of our church that have adopted or taken in children in order to share the love of Christ with them. These people take this verse, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."James 1:27, and they live the words. We have friends that inspire me to sacrifice on all levels in order to obey the Lord. My friends Scott and Katie are adopting a sweet 15 year old boy from Latvia. That seems pretty cool and not too hard right? Well, they already have 4 CHILDREN of their own under the age of 7. Now, that kind of changes things huh?? Every time I hear their story of how God has completely called them to this, I wonder if I could ever have the faith they do? I wonder if I could ever put myself aside and open my home to an orphan who needs their love and the love of Jesus? I am in awe of how God is using them to change this boy's life and future. 
We have so many families in our church that have adopted, are adopting, or are taking some orphans from Latvia into their home for a month this summer. They inspire me to think outside of myself and my comfort. They inspire me to see orphans and children as a gift. They inspire me to see God and His word in a whole new way. They are living Jesus and these children will see Him because of their love and sacrifice. I am so blessed to have these people in my life and in our church so that I am constantly reminded that God is bigger than I can even fathom and these children get to experience that because of their obedience and faith!!

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