Sunday, February 19, 2012

I got slapped in the face!!!

Ok, so reading through some of my favorite blogs today, I GOT SLAPPED IN THE FACE!!! This blog is one that I read regularly about homeschooling and just being a mom in general. The post today got a hold of me and convicted the heck out of me. I am joyful inside most days but my face does not show it like it should through the day in and day out!! Here's the post, I thought I'd share:

the blog is

“Mommy, I love you.”
“Thank you, Buddy.  I love you too!”
“Does that make you smile, Mommy?  When I tell you that I love you?”
“Yes, baby.  It makes me smile REALLY big.”

This was just a small sample of a conversation I had with my 4-year old while I was preparing lunch this past week.  It had been a long week with three straight days that we didn’t leave our house (or our pajamas) due to sickness…first Big Brother, then Little Brother.
Although this exchange seems extremely sweet and somewhat typical for a little boy and his Mama, it made me ask myself a question…
Do I really smile at my children during the day?  
Do I do it enough?
Of course I smile at them when they do something silly or when they tell me they love me.  Is that it, though?  Do I smile throughout the day to display the immense joy I feel inside of me?  Or is a scowl of irritation the more prominent facial expression these days?
Unfortunately, I think the answer is that I don’t smile nearly as much as I should….which is absolutely crazy for me because I am a ‘smiler’ by nature.  I love to smile!
They bring me SO MUCH joy and I need to reflect this joy in my face…even if I am a wee bit irritated at the thought of breaking up yet another fight.
So, I’m challenging myself to something (I know, I know…I am really bad at following through with these “challenges” I place on myself).
I am going to make a conscious effort to smile when I see my child(ren).  Whether that’s turning around and seeing him, seeing him when he wakes up in the morning, or even when he comes out of his room for the umpteenth time that night.  Sure, the smile might eventually be followed up with some discipline…but above all, I want our boys to know that they are loved.  And what better way to express that than to smile?
Obviously, it won’t go perfectly…just like nothing ever does when I am part of the equation.  I won’t remember to smile all the time, but even if I smile one or two more times than I normally do…it will be worth it!
“A happy heart makes the face cheerful…”  -Proverbs 15:13
Lord, help me to choose to have a happy heart and a happy face!
After all…
“Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn.”

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