Thursday, February 9, 2012


When Katelyn was a month old, Josh and I moved to Powhatan,VA. Josh became the Youth Pastor at Red Lane Baptist Church. Now that I look back, I think God had us there 3 years just for me. There were certain people that helped me get through the toughest time in my life and I am forever grateful. I met amazing friends and worked with some pretty awesome teenagers that are now adults.....ughhh, am I that old?? Anyway, I was immediately attracted to the amazing women's ministry there and became part of a Women's Bible Study on Monday mornings. I am telling you right now that if I would not have had that Bible Study to go to in that time in my life, I may not be who I am today. I was surrounded by godly and incredible women and moms. They spoke truth to me in a time that Satan was filling my mind with lies because of the depression that I was in. I looked forward to this time every week and God used it for me to meet a close friend, Christy who I still consider my mentor and example of a godly wife and mom. I say all of that to say that the first book we went through together was Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh Demoss and forwarded by Elisabeth Elliot. This book was what I needed at that time in my journey and I will always hold it as one of my favorite books because of all the words of scripture that set me free.

As I was thinking about this time in my life this week, I felt like I needed to share some of these lies with you and the truths that can set you free. If you can buy this book, BUY IT!!! Read it and devour the truth that scripture brings to you. This book is hard to read at times because it will step on your toes and it will have things you may not agree with. Women can tell me all day long that they are doing great and these lies do not pertain to them but that in and of itself is a lie. We all struggle and believe things we shouldn't. So, I am going to pick a Lie out of this book and write about it and the truth that you need to know. Let's get messy and real with each other. Stay tuned for Lie #1!!!!!!

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