I have a homeschool friend, Ashley Hearn. I read her blog today and thought, "WOW, I couldn't have said it better myself." So, instead of trying I thought I'd share her post with you. Thanks Ashley for your honesty.
The question I never thought I'd have to answer...
If you asked me 5 years ago when Grace started school if I would ever consider homeschooling, I would have laughed at you. Don't get me wrong, I had always deeply admired those that homeschooled. I just always thought that I was not someone who had what it took to do it; I didn't fit the "mold" of what I thought a homeschooling mom looked like. So, how is it that now here we are, 5 years down the road, doing the very thing that I thought was not even something I would've considered? As I look back over the past few months, and years really, I can see how God was preparing us for this even well before we ever knew it. He was preparing me, changing me and molding me into the very thing that I thought was impossible: the homeschool mom.
Over the last few months, I have been asked one question repeatedly: "So, why have you decided to homeschool your children?" While on the surface this seems like an easy enough question to answer, it actually can be quite complicated. I know that I should just answer honestly, but the people pleaser in me is always afraid that I might accidentally offend someone with my answer. First of all, the people asking are generally not people who homeschool. Other homeschoolers already know, without asking usually, why we've made this decision. So, that means the people who are asking have their children in either public or private school. Sometimes they are people I know well, and other times, they are people I hardly know at all. Unfortunately, I tend to respond differently depending upon who's asking. Even now as I am writing this, I am worried that my thoughts will offend someone who is reading! But, there is a true reason why we homeschool, and the truth is that it may not be politically correct. I could give you all the "safe" reasons that I typically offer such as, we needed more flexibility in our schedule...which is true. Or that I wanted to be more available to help Matt in his ministry...which is true. Or even the semi-safe reason of this is what we feel like God is asking us to do...which is also true. But the real reason goes far beyond these safe, but true answers.
The truth is, we are not trying to raise smart, well-rounded, socially acceptable kids. I am sure you are thinking, what in the world did she just say??? I know at first this might sound a little crazy, so let me explain. Our ultimate goal in raising and educating our children is that they become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. The ultimate purpose in education, in our view, is not that we prepare them to get into a good college and get a good job, but that we prepare them for whatever God's calling is upon their lives. We want to raise children who are ready to follow Jesus, wherever He might lead them. Each day that I am home with my children, I have an opportunity to teach them math, reading, history and so on, but more than that, I have precious time to share with them the love of Jesus, His wonderful plans for their future and to help them see the benefits of living their lives for Jesus and not for themselves. Yes, I want them to be prepared for anything, so that does mean high academic standards, but it isn't the focus...it isn't the priority.
Please let me say that I know a lot of parents whose kids are in school (public and private) who are purposeful in teaching their children the very same principles. We just believe this is the best way for us to accomplish what we want for our children. Our ultimate reason for homeschool is perhaps best summed up in a verse I recently memorized for my Bible study. In Deuteronomy 11-18-19 it says, "Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." We have such a long way to go in being the parents that God wants us to be. Everyday I stumble, when I don't have enough patience or when I lose my temper, or who knows what else. But everyday my prayer is that God will prune me, stripping away my imperfections so that my children might see Jesus in me...and that they too would fall in love with our wonderful, merciful Savior. That they would see that following Christ brings the ultimate reward beyond anything that this world can offer them.
So, there it is. The answer to the question I never thought I would have to answer. I have to say that even though it may be hard or even unpopular, I am so thankful that He has asked me to be a homeschool mom. I am so thankful for each day with my children, and I honestly wonder how we ever did anything else
Over the last few months, I have been asked one question repeatedly: "So, why have you decided to homeschool your children?" While on the surface this seems like an easy enough question to answer, it actually can be quite complicated. I know that I should just answer honestly, but the people pleaser in me is always afraid that I might accidentally offend someone with my answer. First of all, the people asking are generally not people who homeschool. Other homeschoolers already know, without asking usually, why we've made this decision. So, that means the people who are asking have their children in either public or private school. Sometimes they are people I know well, and other times, they are people I hardly know at all. Unfortunately, I tend to respond differently depending upon who's asking. Even now as I am writing this, I am worried that my thoughts will offend someone who is reading! But, there is a true reason why we homeschool, and the truth is that it may not be politically correct. I could give you all the "safe" reasons that I typically offer such as, we needed more flexibility in our schedule...which is true. Or that I wanted to be more available to help Matt in his ministry...which is true. Or even the semi-safe reason of this is what we feel like God is asking us to do...which is also true. But the real reason goes far beyond these safe, but true answers.
The truth is, we are not trying to raise smart, well-rounded, socially acceptable kids. I am sure you are thinking, what in the world did she just say??? I know at first this might sound a little crazy, so let me explain. Our ultimate goal in raising and educating our children is that they become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. The ultimate purpose in education, in our view, is not that we prepare them to get into a good college and get a good job, but that we prepare them for whatever God's calling is upon their lives. We want to raise children who are ready to follow Jesus, wherever He might lead them. Each day that I am home with my children, I have an opportunity to teach them math, reading, history and so on, but more than that, I have precious time to share with them the love of Jesus, His wonderful plans for their future and to help them see the benefits of living their lives for Jesus and not for themselves. Yes, I want them to be prepared for anything, so that does mean high academic standards, but it isn't the focus...it isn't the priority.
Please let me say that I know a lot of parents whose kids are in school (public and private) who are purposeful in teaching their children the very same principles. We just believe this is the best way for us to accomplish what we want for our children. Our ultimate reason for homeschool is perhaps best summed up in a verse I recently memorized for my Bible study. In Deuteronomy 11-18-19 it says, "Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." We have such a long way to go in being the parents that God wants us to be. Everyday I stumble, when I don't have enough patience or when I lose my temper, or who knows what else. But everyday my prayer is that God will prune me, stripping away my imperfections so that my children might see Jesus in me...and that they too would fall in love with our wonderful, merciful Savior. That they would see that following Christ brings the ultimate reward beyond anything that this world can offer them.
So, there it is. The answer to the question I never thought I would have to answer. I have to say that even though it may be hard or even unpopular, I am so thankful that He has asked me to be a homeschool mom. I am so thankful for each day with my children, and I honestly wonder how we ever did anything else
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