Saturday, October 8, 2011


I feel like I need to simplify some things. I have simplified my schedule and it has made homeschooling a blast this year. I have simplified what I am involved in and have had rest in the Lord because of that. I don't want to be busy doing just for the sake of doing. I have decided to simplify other things. I want to simplify my dinners. I am cooking things that don't require all day cooking and using my crock pot a lot more. I want to simplify my daily homemaking schedule. I have a plan of doing 2 things on each day of the week so that each thing gets done easier and weekly (laundry, mopping, dusting, changing sheets, etc.). So far, it's working well. I want to simplify those who I surround myself with. This part is hard. I need people around me that are striving for the same goals and we can walk through life together with Jesus. Lastly, I want to simplify my view of God. God is bigger than the way I used to view Him. I feel that I have believed things about God because it was just what I was told to believe. I am beginning to see God like the Bible teaches Him to be, not man's view of Him. I want to remove the misconceptions of Him and see Him the way He intended me to all along. I know there are so many things that I need to simplify. This is just the beginning of a life-long process of growing closer and more intimate with my Savior. I see my imperfections everyday and I know I am loved anyway. I just want to live a life worthy of Christ. So, I will Simplify!!!!

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