At our church, we learn a Psalm a month. It is put to music so we learn it very easily. The best part is that our kids are learning it too and we can listen to it in the car and sing it at home. I love this because as Christians, we should be memorizing scripture. Better than that, my children are memorizing the same scripture at the same time and they like it because they get to sing it. This month we are doing Psalm 15. Each Sunday, Bobby, one of the Pastor's goes over verse by verse what the scripture means. So, as we memorize it we are also learning what God is saying to us through David's prayers. I love doing this so much. I really started loving it when yesterday, after our Bible time, Katelyn grabbed her Bible and opened it to Psalm 15. She started singing the Psalm and asked us to join. So, we spent the beginning of our morning singing scripture. It was such a blessing to do this as a family and that my daughter took the initiative to start singing. It was wonderful. There have been lots of scripture set to music but I like these because it is word for word the verses. They don't take anything out or add to it. IT IS AWESOME!!!
The artist that makes these songs is named Jamie Soles. You can download his songs(scriptures) on Amazon for $.99. NOT BAD!!! He also has a website you can go to and pick different things: I hope that this will encourage you to be sharing Bible time and scriptures with your children. Singing with them is so much and fun and any age would love to sing these songs. When I think about doing these things with our children I remember Deuteronomy 6:6-7 and 9
" And these words which I command to you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up....You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."
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